我一向都喜歡非主流的音樂,特別是沒有重口味包裝的樂隊/組合,他們樸實的歌詞和沒加工的旋律總叫我的聽覺感動,讓我百聽不厭。最近我就愛在網上蒐集韓國非主流的音樂『 K-Indie』,它的曲風類似西方的Bossa Nova,但節奏更輕鬆流暢。除此之外,K-Indie堅持的是原創作品,不像Bossa Nova那樣大部份都是翻唱作品。
今天,我想與大家分享韓國著名K-Indie二人組合-Acoustic Collabo 翻唱的作品-我愚蠢的心『My Foolish Heart』。其實他們有挺多不錯的自創作品,我之所以會選擇這一首是因為它唱進我的心坎裡去了。
韓國組合Acoustic Collabo 翻唱『My Foolish Heart』,有磁性的歌聲讓人聽了不自覺地流淚。:'(
The night is like a lovely tune
beware my foolish heart
How white the ever constant moon
take care my foolish heart
There's a line between love and fascination
That's hard to see on an evening such as this
For they both have very same sensation
When you are lost in the passion of a kiss
His lips are much too close to mine
beware my foolish heart
But should our eager lips combine
then let the fire start.
For this time it isn't fascination
or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love
this time it's love
my foolish heart
beware my foolish heart
How white the ever constant moon
take care my foolish heart
There's a line between love and fascination
That's hard to see on an evening such as this
For they both have very same sensation
When you are lost in the passion of a kiss
His lips are much too close to mine
beware my foolish heart
But should our eager lips combine
then let the fire start.
For this time it isn't fascination
or a dream that will fade and fall apart
It's love
this time it's love
my foolish heart
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